CoLAT CoLAT 'History in my Place' Grants

The City of London Archaeological Trust has launched a new grant for young people interested in London archaeology.
CoLAT is awarding students in Year 11 and Year 12 small grants for projects which seek to understand and share knowledge of London through archaeology. Applications must be made to CoLAT during September or October 2024 up to half-term. Further information can be found here and here.

AGM 2022

LAMAS AGM and Lecture

The AGM will be held on the 21 February, 2023. It will be followed by a lecture from Gillian Tindall. The meeting will be held at The Gallery at Alan Baxter, London. A Zoom link for members not able to attend in person has been sent by email.

The AGM agendaAnnual Report, Annual Accounts , Independent Examiner Report and the Minutes of the 2021 AGM can be accessed by following the links

Research Fund  22 23

LAMAS Research Fund

LAMAS is offering a research fund of up to £5000 to assist society members undertake research projects that further our knowledge of London’s history and archaeology.

The deadline for submissions is 28 February 2023. The application form and full terms and conditions are available here.

ADS News

Transactions on ADS

Transaction articles from 1860 to 2016 are now available via the Archaeology Data Services. ADS allows you search the data base of article titles by a number of variables including author, date and geographical location. The ADS database does not include the Society’s accounts, book reviews, conference reviews, or indexes.
The entire Trans volumes are available as PDFs to download from the Society’s website.

arch conference 2022 news

Archeology Conference 2022

The LAMAS 58th Annual Conference of London Archaeologists will be held online on Saturday 19 March, 2022. 

This year the afternoon session will focus on the archaeology of High Speed 2 (HS2). The full program can be found here.

Tickets for the Conference are vailable via Eventbite.