research fund banner

In 2005, in honour of our 150th birthday, LAMAS initiated a Research Fund, to provide a modest annual sum in support of research into the archaeology and history of London and Middlesex, especially in areas where other funding cannot be obtained.  Council decides whether a grant will be awarded in any one year and this is then published on our website and in our Newsletter.  THE RESEARCH GRANT IS CURRENTLY SUSPENDED WHILE WE ARE REVISING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.  WE HOPE TO RELAUNCH THE GRANT ONCE OUR NEW WEBSITE IS UP AND RUNNING.

How large will the grants be?

The grant level will be set by Council to reflect the Society's financial situation, but we envisage somewhere between £3000 and £5000 per annum. The amount will be published each year in advance of invitations for applicants.

What is the timetable?

Applications must be received by Council by no later than 28th February each year the grant runs. Decisions will be made during March, and successful applicants notified by letter around the beginning of April.

The work must be undertaken and completed within 10 months, and submitted to Council by 31st December of the application year. It will be appraised during January, and grant cheques will be issued as soon as Council is satisfied that it is of the expected form and quality.

Who can apply?

The fund is open to all full individual members of the Society and members of any Affiliated Societies but not to corporate members of the Society, unless they are also individual members. The fund is set up specifically to assist active members with their researches into the past of London and Middlesex.

Rules and further information

How to apply

List of Past Recipients