SATURDAY 19 MARCH 2022 - Zoom Webinar

10.45 AM to 1 PM - Morning session

Recent Work

10.45 Set-up and Chairman’s Opening Remarks including presentation of the 2021 Ralph Merrifield Award - Harvey Sheldon, LAMAS

11.00 The Alfred statue at Trinity Church Square, Southwark - Chris Constable, London Borough of Southwark

11.20 Excavations at St Lawrence’s Church, Brentford - Alex Blanks, MOLA

11.40 Morning Break

12.00 - The Roman cemetery at Great Suffolk Street - Ireneo Grosso, Pre-Construct Archaeology

12.20 - Building Bankside: preliminary interpretations on recent excavations along Park Street - Sian Anthony, AOC Archaeology Group

12.40 - Excavations in Southwark - Street Antonietta Lerz, MOLA 


2 PM to 5 PM - Afternoon session

High Speed 2

2.00 - HS2 historic environment strategy-an overview of results to date - John Halsted and Emma Hopla, HS2/Atkins

2.30 - The archaeology of the Dews Farm Area, Hillingdon - Iain Williamson, Fusion

3.00 - The Iron Age Potin Hoard, Hillingdon - Emma Tetlow, SCS

3.30 - Afternoon Break

4.00 - Excavations at St Mary's, Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire - Guy Hunt, L-P : Archaeology

4.30 - Excavations at St James's Gardens, Euston - Louise Fowler, MOLA

5.00 - Close