Transactions of the London & Middlesex Archaeological Society

Volume 74 - 2023

The issue available for download in December 2027

The cover image depicts a reconstruction produced by Peter Jackson of the early 17th-century buildings at the western end of Fleet Lane (with the River Fleet in the foreground) in the City of London. This reconstruction is based on a detailed survey of these properties produced in 1612 by Ralph Treswell for the Clothworkers' Company.  The brick-built foundations of some of the adjoining buildings depicted on this are discussed by Alexis Haslam in 'Excavations on the site of the Fleet Prison at Ludgate West, 14 Farringdon Street, City of London' along with elements of the medieval and post-medieval Fleet Prison.

The other articles in this issue are:  

2023: A Year of Two Important Anniversaries for London's Archaeology Remembered by LAMAS  Bruce Watson
A reveiw of how LAMAS published the fieldwork and research of the Department of Urban Archaeology (DUA) of the Museum of London (1973-1990) and the Department of Greater London Archaeology (DGLA) (1983-1990) involving starting to produce longer annual volumes of Transactions and publishing LAMAS Special Papers.

Brian Hobley: a tribute to his contribution to the archaeology of the City of London John Maloney, Cath Maloney and Bruce Watson, with Mike Rhodes and John Schofield
Remembering the career of the late Brian Hobley, the Head of the DUA from  1973-1989

Bronze Age and Iron Age excavations at Holland Park School, Campden Hill Road, Kensington W8 Sarah Ritchie, Trista Clifford, Anna Doherty and Stephen Patton, and A Middle Iron Age Settlement in Whitechapel: excavations on Stepney Way, Whitechapel, London E1 Stephen White and Louise Rayner
Two articles looking at aspects of the prehistory of Greater London.

Sharpening Knowledge: An investigation into the Social and Economic Significance of Hones from Roman London Lindsay Banfield
This post-graduate research represents the first in-depth study of Roman hone stones and it includes a comprehensive catalogue of examples in the form of an online supplement.

Roman and later Occupation at 100 Cheapside, City of London, EC2V David Saxby, and Living on the Western Hill: Roman and later activity at 29-33 King Street, London EC3 Robin Wroe-Brown with Portia Askew and Julian Hill
Two articles on multi-period excavations in the heart of the City of London.

Kingsbury, Middlesex: The Origins of the Kyngesbyrig and St Andrew's Church Daniel Secker
Reappraising the history of one of the historic churches of Middlesex.

Salisbury Hall, Walthamstow: The Establishment, Development and Fortunes of a Manorial site Ian Hogg and Michael Shapland
Re-examining one of the vanished medieval manor houses of Greater London.

Mare Street Baptist Church Burial Ground: Excavations at 143 Mare Street, Hackney, London, E8 Niamh Carty and Adrian Miles with Hilary Davidson and Beth Richardson
The burial ground of this 19th-century Baptish church was extensively excavated and there is a comprehensive online supplement containing the osteological and biographical details of many of the named individuals.

Lionel Cranfield, Impeached Treasurer of James I, Always a Londoner Stephen Draper
The first of two history articles discusses the career of Lionel Cranfield (1575-1645), first Earl of Middlesex, merchant, MP and politician.  In 1624 his illustrious career in royal service abruptly ended with his impeachment for corruption.

Richard Smyth and the Legacy of John Stow Vanessa Harding
The second history article reproduces the 2021 John Stow Memorial Lecture given by Professor Vanessa Harding (now President of LAMAS).  Richard Smyth (1590-1675) was one of the early heirs of Stow's legacy and a great collector of books.

In addition, this volume contains a number of book reviews and the annual reports produced by the Society’s Council, its various committees and accounts.